Did you know that we:
Deliver mail to over 2.9 million homes, businesses, and post office boxes in a geographic area of 13,000 square miles that encompasses all of Connecticut, Rhode Island and Massachusetts, from New Bedford to the Berkshires.
Added more than11 thousand new addresses last year to the existing delivery network.
Serve over 2.1 million customers and provide services at more than 450 postal facilities.
Ranked 7th in the country for total revenue, generating more than $1.5 billion last year.
Deliver more than 2.6 billion pieces of mail a year.
Collect mail from more than 4600 street mail collection boxes.
Employ almost 15000 employees.
Pay more than $22 million in employee salaries and benefits every two weeks.
Provide alternative access for our customers to purchase stamps. Stamps are available via the Internet, by mail, by phone, 328 commercial retail outlets and 334 Automatic Teller Machines (ATMS).
Offer 30 APC’s, which generate over $5.5 million revenue annually.
Do not receive tax dollars from the federal government. We are a self-supporting agency, using the revenue from the sales of postage and postage-related products to pay expenses.
Interesting Facts:
In 1920-Pitney Bowes was founded by Arthur Pitney and Walter Bowes in Stamford, Connecticut around the innovative postage meter, which had to be approved by the US, Congress because it printed currency.
The Providence Processing & Distribution Center was the first fully automated PO in the country, October 1960.
The first 2 stations of a post office to be established in RI were opened in 1897 and they were called Station A and Station B. Station A was in the Elmwood section of Providence and Station B was in the North section of Providence.
A clerk in the Providence RI Post Office had a hand in modernizing the way mail was cancelled during the 1880’s.