A smile, a kind word, quick solutions; that is what our customers want and the postal employees of the Connecticut Valley District know it. Our Sales and Service Associates and Postmasters who work the window are ranked #10 nationally by our residential customers for “friendliness and courtesy” for January 2012. That is tenth place out of 67 districts.
These are difficult economic times, but a smile and a caring attitude carries a lot of weight with our customers and does not cost a cent. Employees feel better when they smile and our customers feel more confident they are getting the best service available.
Let’s hear what our customers have told us:
“USPS (window staff) is doing an outstanding job. Thank you.”
“Just keep up the good work. I'm very satisfied with the services provided to me and my family.”
“Employees in my post office are very friendly.”
“I love the people at the post office!”
“I'm totally satisfied.”
When you think that no one notices your efforts, be assured your customers notice them everyday and they appreciate your positive attitude. Thank you for your continued efforts on behalf of our customers.
“Nobody cares how much you know; until they know how much you care.”
Theodore Roosevelt